I enjoy the feel, the touch, the scent, the color, the crisp of new bank notes! I love to improve quality of my life lovin’ having full manage. So, money is the only reason why I am here ;:-) Before some of you get insulted I offer you to ask yourself, what do you choose, my crystal clear straightness and honesty and as a result, my respect to my subs or you would rather prefer dousing, floating in the ocean of illusions and lie, considering yourself kik playboys? – If you are here it means only one elementary thing, that there is nobody in your real life who would be willing to please you sexually just because you are who you are. Nobody. Feel this gape. View into this yawning chasm of hunger for meaning, hunger for love inside you. View, gaze intently, accepting the truth. But in my chatroom you can be yourself too: a whining loser, a sissy, or just a nerdy virgin man, tiny-dicked, or just destroyed emotionally, devastated. It is free of judgmental zone here.